Friday, May 19, 2017

Lie of the Ages (730 pg blockbuster/book)

The fatal falsehood that has led to the fall of many and is being taught as Christian doctrine today in most evangelical churches.

The book "Lie of the Ages" soundly, consummately and persuasively dismantles, demolishes, and destroys the heretical notion of an UN-conditional eternal security – a doctrine of devils better known as "once saved always saved" or OSAS. Every trace of doubt in this matter will be forever vanquished from the reader's mind and heart.  

“I have finished reading Lie of the Ages – I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you for writing it. I hope to purchase one for every believer I know.” L. S.
“I have been reading your book Lie of the Ages. What a wonderful and powerful book. I am only about 150 pages into it and my eyes have been
opened.” Darren S., Australia
More reviews here:

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Todd Tomasella is the author of several enlightening volumes including Predators in Our Pulpits, Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us, Lie of the Ages, Nightfall, Soul Damning Sins, and Born Again: God has a New Life for You Today!, I Die Daily, and Raised Up. Please Visit:  and