The truth most pastors refuse to tell you.
Laying Down Our Lives in this Fleeting, temporal World. Presenting Our
Bodies as Living Sacrifices
I Die Daily 244 pgs
Print and Kindle Editions on Amazon
“I’m loving this amazing book! It’s amazing!” C. S., Indiana
“I Die Daily is an awesome book. Too bad I did not have it in 1979 when I got saved. The message of this book would have brought more understanding on how to die to the flesh. But being under apostolic teaching is bringing more. Epinosis – Experiencing the cross in my daily life. Yield. Submit. Surrendering. And obedience to God. … being processed with life experiences, purging, and allowing God to direct my life. There’s much, much more and I thank God for your book on I Die Daily, but it (the cross) must be applied to our life daily.” B. C.
“FIVE STARS. The book draws the believer to The Cross of Christ, which should ever be the object of our faith. As we walk after The Spirit, our flesh can decrease and God’s will can be made manifest in our lives. This is the only message that will save the sinner and sanctify the saint. Thank you to Todd for getting this message out.” A. D.

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.