Wednesday, May 31, 2017

God Loveth a Cheerful Giver 2 Corinthians 9:7

---When Christ and therefore His work ceases to be important, His “labourers” will cease to invite you to participate (Matthew 9:35-38). Please do not hold your breath!
The hour is late. Jesus is coming. The LORD be thanked for those who give generously to His work. By not pouring our resources into the kingdom of Christ and its furtherance (feeding His sheep and evangelism), we have spoken loudly in the ears of the One who gives us every breath and penny we have and receive and to whom we shall stand to give full account (1 Chronicles 29:14; Matt. 6:19-24, etc.).
Quickest, easiest way to send money to support:  HERE

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ready to be Lifted?

Dynamic, Cross-Life Page Turner Sure to Permanently Change the Life of the Reader!

“I just wanted to let you know that I am enjoying the book Raised Up. It is very good. That is the message that should be echoing every church in the world. I have had a time with leaving myself in the tomb. I needed this book and thank you for your knowledge of the Truth. Thank You.” S.
Downward Dying – Upward Rising
“His Unspeakable Gift”
2 Corinthians 9:15
Falling on the Stone
“Raised Up”
2 Corinthians 4:14
The Laid Down Life
“Walk While Ye Have the Light, Lest Darkness Come Upon You”
John 12:35
“Heresies Among You”
The Only Way Up Is Down
“The Gospel which I Preached unto You”
1 Corinthians 15:1
“Death is Swallowed Up in Victory”
1 Corinthians 15:54
Making Peace with God

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Nightfall the Book

Darkness Descending: Are You Ready? Nightfall the Book 

“Praise the Lord... Brother thank you for the Nightfall book. It's a true eye opener! Very blessed to have received this wonderful gift...” Cat Jewell
“Awesome WORD! as usual. So much truth it isn't even funny! The hairs on my arms are standing straight up as I read this. This author has been blessed by the Father to write books, there is no doubt! The Word of God does not lie and this author knows how to share the truths therein.” Darlene Troxler

The end of all things is at hand beloved saints and this is why the LORD led me to pen this new book Nighfall. It’s explosive as well as very encouraging in the victory Christ ordained for each of us both here and now and throughout eternity!
For your own edification and that of those around you, please order your copies here.   OR here on Amazon.


Nightfall is an apocalyptic warning and victorious survival guide, a real page-turner. We are living in the frightening era of world history divinely foretold and anticipated by God's people for centuries. Transpiring calamities in current world events read like a prophecy documentary, almost to the point of science fiction. Inestimable horror lies just ahead. Countless watchmen today warn that the end of the world as we know it is rapidly upon us. The strategic, solution-based biblical wisdom in this volume will motivate the reader to procure essential spiritual protections during these perplexing times.

230 pages

Monday, May 22, 2017

Let America PRAY Again Book

Balanced, Biblical Kingdom Perspective on Politics!

"5 STARS: "Great read!!!! This book definitely has enhanced my prayer life and my outlook on it all. This author is anointed and speaks truth in all of his books backed by scriptures facts. True man of God he is!!!" Brian Ivey
“Your logical style and substantive and encouraging content is excellent.” Debbie Lord
All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Todd Tomasella is the author of edifying, insightful, convicting, and encouraging books. Todd is the chief editor of He is also the host of SafeGuardYourSoul Radio on 

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Born Again Book

It's not enough to be religious or attend church or keep the Ten Commandments.

The message of this easy to read book is going to solidify what it means to be "born again" to both saints and sinners. Jesus says this is a "must" and so we should understand it and help others in the same. That's exactly what this message will do!
In all of history, there is only One man who was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, and foretold His own death, burial, and resurrection, and accomplished it all! That Savior is Jesus Christ, the very Son of God who died on the cross for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). This resurrection Savior told us that in order to be in His kingdom, one "must be born again." (John 3:3, 7)
"A GREAT little treasure which I have sent to family members and prisoners. An awesome book for newbies! As always Brother Todd gets right to the point in sharing the Scripture-which we ALL need! I highly recommend this treasure!" -Dar

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Todd Tomasella is the author of edifying, insightful, convicting, and encouraging books. Todd is the chief editor of He is also the host of SafeGuardYourSoul Radio on 

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Soul Damning Sins Book Powerful

Exposing the Diabolical Myth that
Has Deceived and is
Damning Millions
to Eternal Hell


This little book is a 
wake up call to all who
name Jesus Christ
as LORD and Savior.

88 Pgs
$3.95 Print Version

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Todd Tomasella is the author of edifying, insightful, convicting, and encouraging books. Todd is the chief editor of He is also the host of SafeGuardYourSoul Radio on 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Lie of the Ages (730 pg blockbuster/book)

The fatal falsehood that has led to the fall of many and is being taught as Christian doctrine today in most evangelical churches.

The book "Lie of the Ages" soundly, consummately and persuasively dismantles, demolishes, and destroys the heretical notion of an UN-conditional eternal security – a doctrine of devils better known as "once saved always saved" or OSAS. Every trace of doubt in this matter will be forever vanquished from the reader's mind and heart.  

“I have finished reading Lie of the Ages – I cannot tell you how grateful I am to you for writing it. I hope to purchase one for every believer I know.” L. S.
“I have been reading your book Lie of the Ages. What a wonderful and powerful book. I am only about 150 pages into it and my eyes have been
opened.” Darren S., Australia
More reviews here:

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Todd Tomasella is the author of several enlightening volumes including Predators in Our Pulpits, Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us, Lie of the Ages, Nightfall, Soul Damning Sins, and Born Again: God has a New Life for You Today!, I Die Daily, and Raised Up. Please Visit:  and

Thursday, May 18, 2017

I Die Daily by Todd Tomasella

The truth most pastors refuse to tell you.

Laying Down Our Lives in this Fleeting, temporal World. Presenting Our
Bodies as Living Sacrifices

I Die Daily 244 pgs 

Print and Kindle Editions on Amazon

“I’m loving this amazing book! It’s amazing!” C. S., Indiana

I Die Daily is an awesome book. Too bad I did not have it in 1979 when I got saved. The message of this book would have brought more understanding on how to die to the flesh. But being under apostolic teaching is bringing more. Epinosis  Experiencing the cross in my daily life.  Yield. Submit. Surrendering. And obedience to God. … being processed with life experiences, purging, and allowing God to direct my life. There’s much, much more and I thank God for your book on I Die Daily, but it (the cross) must be applied to our life daily.” B. C.

“FIVE STARS.  The book draws the believer to The Cross of Christ, which should ever be the object of our faith. As we walk after The Spirit, our flesh can decrease and God’s will can be made manifest in our lives. This is the only message that will save the sinner and sanctify the saint. Thank you to Todd for getting this message out.”  A. D.

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Deceivers and False Prophets Among Us

There's a growing epidemic of modern beguilers who are mislead millions.

There are seminarian wolves who are perpetrating a false gospel.

Is your pastor a deceiver?

How could you know if you are not thoroughly informed by God's Word?

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Predators in Our Pulpits

The Holy Spirit warned us all repeatedly of "many false prophets" who would arise in the last days in which we live and "deceive many." (Matt. 24)

Are you being beguiled friend?

Are you truly born again?

This book is for all who know Christ or wish to know Him.

Jesus is coming soon.

All of Todd's books on Amazon - in print and kindle.

Cross Ambassadors Partnership

Cross Ambassadors

"For we are labourers together with God." 1 Cor. 3:9
Partnering in the spread of the original Gospel.
Helping Further the work of Jesus.

Cross Ambassadors is a partnership of those who wish to participate in engaging this generation with the original Gospel message of our LORD Jesus Christ.

Please look: New Page and Partnership: